Welcoming Note and Listing of Articles:
The International Service Division of the Rotary Club of New York is delighted to present this newsletter in order to demonstrate the commitment and continuing support of Rotary to the United Nations and its Millennium Development Goals.This newsletter will also serve as a platform for information and dialogue between all Rotarians who are interested in the programs of the United Nations and in contributing towards achieving its goals. We invite you to share your experiences from collaboration in projects between Rotary and the United Nations. Please forward any examples and comments regarding recent projects to nyrotaryun@aol.com.Also, all Rotarians are invited to attend the NY Rotary International Breakfast Meetings which are scheduled on the third Wednesday of every month and held at the German House located at 871 United Nations Plaza (49th St. and First Ave). These meeting provide an opportunity for Rotarians to stay informed regarding United Nation programs and to exchange views on related topics with UN officials and representatives of its member states. Reservations are required for attending the meetings and can be made at ny.rotary@verizon.net and copy to GBRotary@aol.com. The cost of the breakfast is $25.00
Giorgio Balestrieri - International Service Division Chairman, Kaan Soyak Co-Chair,
Josef Klee - Coordinator,
Sylvan Barnet - R.I. Alt. Representative to the UN,
Tom McConnon - Newsletter Editor
Contents- Taiwan Seeks Support For United Nations Membership
- Enhancing Women's Global Leadership Through Information Technology
- United Nations Encouraging More Partnerships With Civil Society And NGO's
- President of the 60th General Assembly, Jan Eliasson, Addresses Rotary - November 2005
- RI President Carl-Wilhelm Stenhammar Address Rotarians At United Nations - November 2005
- Visiting Rotarian Exchanges Banner- February 2006
- Nepal Conflict Prevention with Maoist - January 2006
- Iraqi Ambassador Thanks Rotarians For Children's Heart Surgery - Jan 2006
- Israel and United Nations Reform - June 2005 Over 500 Rotarians Meet At The United Nations - Nov 2005
- Professor Jeffrey Sachs Thanks Rotarians For Helping UN to Acheive Millenium Development Goals- Nov 2005
- Japan’s Compensation to World War II “Asian Comfort Women” Outlined by Former New York Rotarian - December 2005
- American Council On Africa Established By New York Rotarian - January 2005
- "World Citizen" - Letter From District 4150 - Guadalajara, Mexico - September 2005
- Croatian Ambassador Outlines Useful Model For Small-State Economic Transformation - November 2005
- Rotary International Day At The United Nations - November 2005
- The Holy See In The International Arena - June 2004
- Rotarians Should Actively Support The United Nations Global Compact
- Times of London Reporter Gives Analysis of Immediate Future of the United Nations - May 2005
- Iraqi Ambassador Outlines Iraqi After First Election- April 2005
- Ankara Conflict Resolution Conference Supported By Rotarians - April 2005
- Kenyan Ambassador Promotes African Development March 2005
- Deputy Ambassador of the Russian Federation Speaks on UN Issues.
- NY Rotarians Celebrate 100th Year at United Nations