An Invitation:
Rotary Club of New York International Service Division MonthlyBreakfast Meeting at the United Nations
While space is limited, Rotarians will be well-rewarded by attending one of the “Rotary Club of New York at the United Nations Monthly Breakfast Meetings”. They are an intimate and informative forum for Rotarians to enhance their understanding of the issues that confront the UN and the member-states. Needless to say, coordinators Barney Barnet and Joe Klee have done an excellent job in inviting interesting and informative guest speakers.

Thanks to the generosity of fellow New York Rotarian, Ambassador Wolfgang Trautwein, the meetings are held at the penthouse café on the 21st floor of the German Mission to the United Nations on 1st Ave. The café offers a spectacular view of the UN to the south, and the 59th St Bridge to the north. In addition to the customary breakfast amenities, the friendly and helpful café staff serves an impressive and eclectic array of traditional German delicacies for all to enjoy. And it should be noted that our own R.I. Representative to the UN Delegate, Barney Barnet, has - decreed and codified, herewith, and in perpetuity - that the German House’s croissants are the “best” this side of the Atlantic.

As the official liaison Rotary Club to the United Nations, we also publish a newsletter outlining the topics discussed that are relevant to Rotarians world-wide.

To review past issues of the newsletter go to http://nyrotaryunitednations.blogspot.com/

We meet usually on the third Wednesday of the month at 8:30 am . - The donation for the breakfast is $25.00 and two-day advanced reservations are required. Please email a reservation request to ny.rotary@verizon.net