Welcome to the Rotary Club of New York at the United Nations Newsletter

(Photo: This photo, which is taken from our meeting venue on 23rd floor of the German Mission, clearly shows the progress of UN 's major construction project.)

All Rotarians are invited to attend the NY Rotary International Breakfast Meetings which are normally scheduled on the third Wednesday of every month and held at the German House located at 871 United Nations Plaza (49th St. and First Ave).

These meeting provide an opportunity for Rotarians to stay informed regarding United Nation programs and to exchange views on related topics with UN officials and representatives of its member states.

There are usually no meetings in July and August.

Reservations for attending the meetings can be made at: ny.rotary@verizon.net and copy to GBRotary@aol.com .

The monthly meetings are coordinated and moderated by N.Y. Rotarian Josef Klee, Deputy-Director of the United Nations (Retired) and Sylvan Barnet, Alternate Rotary International Liaison to the UN. Our newsletter editor is Assistant District Governor Thomas V. McConnon.

A history of Rotary and the Formation of the United Nations, click : http://nyrotaryunitednations.blogspot.com/2008/05/test.html
A summary of "Rotary Day at the United Nations 2008", click:
. A summary of "Rotary Day at the United Nations 2007" click:

A Summary of the "Rotary Day at The United Nations 2006" click.

..A summary of A summary of "Rotary Day at the United Nations 2005" click nations 2005" .http://nyrotaryunitednations.blogspot.com/2006/01/rotary-international-day-at-united.html