
President David Del Monte (center front) welcomes visitors to this website.  David is here with the RCNY 2010-2011 Officers and Directors. The front row (from left)  includes: 2nd Vice President Thomas McConnon, Imm.Past President David Wankoff, Sheri Best 1st Vice President and, Giorgio Balestrieri President Elect
A partial listing of articles on the website:
Rwanda’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Eugène-Richard Gasana Named to Head Peace-building Commision.. 5


Knights of Malta Mission at the UN.. 7


European Union at the United Nations. 8


Ambasador of Kazakhstan, Ms.Byrganym Aitimova. 9




Presentation by George A. Garland, DBA.. 15


The Work of the UN Environment Program (UNEP) including climate change. 20


Rotary Day at the UN November 2011.. 21


Ambassador Jean Wesley Cazeau Charge d' Affaires of Haiti 25


18 May 2011 Present Mangememtn Challenges faced by the United Nations. 26


Dr David Stillman, director of Public-Private Alliance Foundation.. 27


Holy See Permanent Observer. 28


Uzbekistan Ambassador. 29


Rotarians Attend UN Prayer Service. 30


Religions For Peace. 32


United Nations University. 47


Honduras Ambassador: Focus on Central America. 48


Rotary Joins UN Global Compact 50


Concert to End Polio.. 51


Arab Human Development Report 2009.. 59


Peace and Development Conference in Mexico.. 61


Welcome! 62


"Caritas In Veritate". 64


Welcome to the Rotary Club of New York at the United Nations Newsletter. 69


"UNited to End Violence Against Women", UN Secreatry-General's campaign.. 70


Rotary Publications Translated into Arabic - RI Representative to the United Nations to Western Asia - ESCWA - Translates Rotary Publications. 71


President Obama's Election and the United States Mission At the United Nations. 78


Rotary's Youth Program at the United Nations - November 2008.. 80


Listing of Articles. 81


Rotary's Man at the United Nations: Sylvan Barnet 84


World Health Organization.. 86


Public-Private Alliance Foundation to Reduce Global Poverty. 88


Enhancing The Pharmaceutical Infrastucture in Africa. 89


Italian Rotary Delegation Welcomed at United Nations. 90


New York Rotarian Meets With Pope Benedict XVI at United Nations. 93


United Nations Electorial Assistance Department 95


UNESCO Director Outlines Goals and Objectives. 96


Sierra Leone's Ambassador to the UN Meets with Rotarians. 99


20080112.. 100




Executive Director of World Health Organization in New York Reviews Global Fight Against Polio and Other Health Projects. 106


20071202.. 107


Rotary Day at the United Nations. 108


20071030.. 118


Ambassador Joseph Verner Reed preparing for the award presentation. 125


Welcome! 127


Rotary and the United Nations Update. 131


Welcome! 131


Ukraine Rotarians Visit New York. 132


650,000 Text Books Donated to Liberia. 134


Munich Rotarians are Welcomed in New York. 135


New York Sun Reporter views of New Secretary-general 137


Peacemaking in Action: The Case for Nepal 140


Norway's Ambassador Encouraging More NGO Support 142


Gender-Equality at the United Nations Explicated by Slovenian Ambassador - December 2006.. 143


. 145

Secretary-General's UN Military Advisor Reviews Peacekeeping Missions. 145


.. 146

. 1
UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and Actress, Mia Farrow, Meets With New York and Bermuda Rotarians  166